Love is Colder than Death

Release Information 1999
Love is Colder than Death: Atopos


After a creative pausis of four years and personal changes within the band, Atopos, the fourth studio album of Love Is Colder Than Death, is now released on
Chrom Records/INDIGO .

One way of understanding music is theoretical analysis. Love Is Colder Than Death though have since their foundation in 1990 consciously taken part against this academic proceeding. Neither, because their music would only aim at the stomach or regions below, nor, because they, like many “emotional” bands, could not else but appeal to the sentiment.

Love is Colder than Death 1999

Love Is Colder Than Death are artists, who, in full knowledge of existing rules, definitions and barriers shun these. Demanding that the listener should completely let himself be taken away by the music and purely comprehend it by listening, they intend to break the usual barriers between the inventor and the consumer of music. Being radically innerly and existing primarily for itself, their music is introverted, yet at the same time extroverted, because it exposes itself and the people Love Is Colder Than Death the more relentlessly. It is an aim of Love Is Colder Than Death to create a true world language in which meetings beyond lingual, social and cultural barriers will be possible.
Corresponding to their aim of nivelling space in the sense of barriers, Love Is Colder Than Death use modern electronics as well as traditional musical means of different cultures and times.

Love is Colder than Death - Instruments

On Atopos, Love Is Colder Than Death have for the first time integrated authentic old instruments such as Tabla, Rainstick and Didgeridoo into their concept.
Sensual through and through, Atopos takes the audience on a journey through the realms of beauty and originality. Still, Atopos is not a stringent concept album - each song stands as work for itself. Atopos is concerned with the basic questions of human existance, such as self-finding, social belonging, love, but also the painful realization of the loneliness each individual bears inside.

Love Is Colder Than Death sind:
Maik Hartung - keys, guitar, percussion
Manuela Budich - vocals
Sven Mertens - vocals, percussion
Ralf Jehnert - vocals, percussion

Track list:
  • nostalgia
  • horns and horses
  • sun ra
  • wings of the dawn
  • an empty ark
  • on difference
  • prima nocte
  • saaidi
  • yamuna
  • de iside et osiride
  • from sun to sun
  • to the other side
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