Cover Materia Mystica
Studio-Album – Estampie

Released: 1998

Track list

  • Luft/Air: Ego sum dulcis conspectrix, O vivens vita / Qui sunt hi, O antiqui sancti, Aer enim volat Kyrie / Geblendet
  • Erde/Earth: O quam amara, O laudabilis mater / O ignis spiritus / Werd als ein Kind
  • Wasser/Water: Ego caritas, O dilectissime flos / O clarissima mater / Tränen / Perlen
  • Feuer/Fire: Ich- die höchste feurige Kraft, Ego victoria

On “Materia Mystica”, Estampie examine Hildegard von Bingen, the great medieval mystic. Her written works often reflect the concept of the Four Elements. Estampie translated this old conception of the world, based on the elemental forces (fire, water, earth, air), into an artistic performance. Musically, the elements are characterized by pieces from Hildegard von Bingen’s “Ordo Virtutum” and Estampie’s own compositions. Thus, “Materia Mystica” is a unique symbiosis of authentic medieval sources and contemporary theater music, impressingly documented on this CD.

“Materia Mystica” is the third CD of Estampie, which came out by a collaboration of the classical label Christophorus and Chrom Records.


Modern times, worldly and spiritual sounds blend into perfect unity… Exciting and soothing at the same time, this is one of this autumn's most outstanding releases.

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Released: 1998

Track list

  • Luft/Air: Ego sum dulcis conspectrix, O vivens vita / Qui sunt hi, O antiqui sancti, Aer enim volat Kyrie / Geblendet
  • Erde/Earth: O quam amara, O laudabilis mater / O ignis spiritus / Werd als ein Kind
  • Wasser/Water: Ego caritas, O dilectissime flos / O clarissima mater / Tränen / Perlen
  • Feuer/Fire: Ich- die höchste feurige Kraft, Ego victoria
ADDITIONAL CREDITS • Titel - Livebild 1998 - Florian Zimmermann.

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