Cover Childhood
Maxi Single – The Eternal Afflict

Maxi Single
Released: 1993

Track list

  • Childhood
  • Circles in the Sand
  • How about tomorrow

The first release, since The Eternal Afflict changed from Glasnost Music to Chrom Records is a preview to the next album, “War”.

The maxi single includes - next to the title song - two more exclusive EBM-tracks.

The band of singer Cyan and composer & keyboarder Markexists since 1989 and is for the first time supported by female singer Tina.

Maxi Single
Released: 1993

Track list

  • Childhood
  • Circles in the Sand
  • How about tomorrow

The Eternal Afflict  ... Select other artist:

The Eternal Afflict
Releases at
Chrom Records:

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