Cover November Days
MCD – Inside

Released: 1996

Track list

  • November day (mind mix)
  • entangled
  • Secret life
  • November day (drift mix)

Inside on this mini-album sound light, fresh and poppy and are far away from a gloomy November mood of foggy and cold autumn days. But that doesn’t mean that the band is all about masking the winter frustration, because the lyrics by Canadian lead singer Darrin Huss revolve around the feeling of being lost and the impossibility of bringing love into harmony with oneself. Cool heartache in the synth sound of the nineties.

“You’ve stolen all the words, I’d ever wanted to say” sings Darrin and backing vocalist Angela Jana underlines the state of his speechlessness with her refrain “November Day”.

The right sound for cuddly cold days!

In terms of content INSIDE have remained true to themselves, but have changed and refined their musical style. With November Days they prove that danceable and pop songs can meet high demands.

Released: 1996

Track list

  • November day (mind mix)
  • entangled
  • Secret life
  • November day (drift mix)

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Releases at
Chrom Records:

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